_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_ ________ _____ ______. \ /_______________/ \_____\ | / / / / \ | // / | // \ \ | /_____/ / ___/__________.:. \ | /______\__________| :.._____| ________ _____ ___________.: _______ \ /_________| \________|__ _.:.______/ _ \ / / / | / _ / / / |/ _/_ // / | / / / / | / / | /_____/ /__________/ /_____\______// ___/_____/ | /______\ /_____/ \__________|-rS!_______| Presents: 1993 Developers Conference Release (Infos to AAA and more/be careful! don't beliefe all!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /\ /¯¯\ / \ /\ /\ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ (brief copy, no scanner available) An Overview of the Anvanced Amiga Architecture and Other Future Directions Document Revision 1.0 1993 Developers Conference Release by Dave Haynie Advanced Amiga Systems Group Copyright © 1993 Commodore International Services Corp, Technology Group All Rights Reserved Information contained herein is the unpublished, confidential and trade secret property of Commodore International Services Corporation, Technology Group. etc... etc... (you all Amiga owners need to here this...) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 4 x Chips VSLI, high speed CMOS o AAA chip set was gleaned, adapted from AGA chip set thanks go to Jim Redfield, Ed hepler. o AAA is largley compatible with ECS o AA registers are not supported in AAA o ECS compatiblity is to be eliminated o CPU bus can master the netire chip bus for more efficient CPU to CHIP bus access MEMORY BAND WIDTH ----------------- AAA chips run a 4 cycle burst to Chip RAM, ie 4.56 x ECS or 1.14 times AGA's two-cycle burst Bursts of up to 512 words can be run to keep up with hi-res displays. CPU BANDWIDTH ------------- CPU access to Chip RAM is improved. AAA chips manage an asyncronous interface to the CPU. CPU with some extr support logic can completely master the AAA chip RAM bus, allowing Chip RAM access as fast as today's 32-bit Fast RAM. CPU BUS DMA ----------- AAA chip bus DMA activity is dynamically managed. 40 DMA channels, with dynamic allocation between BLITTER -> CPU BLITTER ------- AAA blitter is much faster It scrolls 640x200x2 6 times the speed, 640x200x4 9 times faster than the old blitter. It has a 32-bitmode which operates in pixel addressing and can handle the chunky modes aswell (2,4,8,16 bits) Line draw has auto-clipping. Blitter has arithmetic function now like "sort" and "tally" at any pixel depth, addition,average, subtracting, saturated subtrations, etc blitter speeds; DRAM single 2 planes @ 640x200 = 489.06 frames/sec 16 planes @ 640x200 = 41.61 frames/sec 2 planes @ 800x560 = 124.54 frames/sec 8 planes @ 800x560 = 14.96 frames/sec VRAM single 2 planes @ 640x200 = 504.23 frames/sec 16 planes @ 640x200 = 56.78 frames/sec 2 planes @ 800x560 = 124.54 frames/sec 8 planes @ 800x560 = 14.96 frames/sec COPPER ------ Copper handles 32-bit operations Supports move-multiple Copper has interupt capability, let it recieve ints from blitter GRAPHICS -------- single chipset system DRAM system: 800x560x9 planes VRAM system: 800x560x13 planes or 800x560x24 using "hybrid pixels" dual chipset system DRAM system: 1280x1024x5 planes VRAM system: 1280x1024x8 planes or 1024x768x24 using "hybrid pixels" sprites are now 128 pixels wide. 16 planes supported, 8-bit playfields AAA pixel clock is no longer ties to the AAA bus clock pixel clocks can be scaled NEW MODES: HAM10 HALF-CHUNKY - 2, 4 or 8 bit dephs CHUNKY - 16 bits (5bit guns) no palette HYBRID - 24 bits, seperate chunky planes PACKLUT - 2 bits per pixel decompress to 8-bit half chunky in 4x4 pixel regions, each region has colors, 8-bit values indexed thru CLUT and 16 pixels PACKHY - 4 bits per pixel decompress to 24-bit direct pixels in 4x4 pixel regions, each region has colors 24-bit direct values and sixteen pixels VIDEO CAPTURE ------------- AAA pixel bus is reversed, (ONLY ON VRAM), capture to any chunky mode. SOUND ----- 64khz with 16-bit resolution 8 channels, both sides ie. 1 channel on both sides with diff volume 8-bit audio sampling is also supported FLOPPY DISKS ------------ 2 or 4 megs per disks direct, no tricks to it!! built in decoding hardware MFM, (RLL2,7), Biphase Mark (CD-ROM) xfer in track, sector and CD-MODE and a high speed track mode xfer rate is 20x faster 11.4 Mbit/sec from 0.5 Mbit/sec though DMA peek is 9.9Mbit/sec hardware can decode IBM format as well mac format supported aswell with softwre UART ---- 2 UARTS are supported, 4-byte FIFO AAA chips descriptions ---------------------- 1. Andrea - chip bus controller o chip ram control o "high-priority" bus request allows external device to master the chip ram bus rather than Andrea o CPU bus gating o manages clocking of both CHIP and video display 8 possible pixel clock values at any time o video timing hsync,vsync etc.. o blitter, pixel addressing / arithmetic modes 2. Monica - new display controller. o It takes in display timing data generated by Andrea and graphics data fetched by Linda and from that generates 25-bit digitial and analog RGBoutput (24bit color,1bit genlock o HAM mode logic, sprites, colors regs 3. Mary - controls various types of I/O DISK CONTROLLER o raw bit width = 88-9000ns o max raw bit rate = 11.4 Mbit/sec o hardware encoding = raw GCR MFM RLL(2,7) BiPhase-Mark o sync = 32, 17, 8-bit o xfer modes = track sector cd-digital track-plus o hardware CRC (sector/track) o async PLL clock o input types = pulse, NRZ AUDIO CONROLLER o sample rate = 64khz o channels = 8 o volume = 12bit signed o volume aliasing = no o sample size = 8/16 bits o digital output o dynamic range = 16 bits o channels left/right = 0-7 on both sides o global mono bit o period resolution = 280/64ns o 8-bit sampler supported using the pot-in lines 4. Linda - double buffers full display lines. o while one complete line of display data is being fed to Monica from one of Linda's line buffers, the next line is being fetched into Linda's other line buffer. o PACKLUT,PACKHY modes are decoded here. Between them there are, 256 word regs (ECS compatible) 384 longword address regs (new stuff) 512 longword address CLUT registers Future System Design -------------------- o Processor-independent system bus optimized for chip to chip interconnect o Motherboard will be a basic design o CPU, Amiga CHIPs, and other various elements will be located on seperate modules (cards) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AMIGA DSP --------- AT&T DSP3210 o 32-bit floating pnt arith o 32-bit addressing o large 8k on-chip cache 0wait o 33Mflops of power o shared bus with motorola CPU o serial IO with DMA 24Mbits/sec o barrel shifter o mu-law & A-law encoding o bit i/o general purpose 8-bit I/O port it can emulate o V.32 / V.22bis MNP5 / V.29 G3 fax / modem emulation with fallback o subband coder o G.722 7khz speech coder (1000% better than SAY) o DTMF generator/decoder o JPEG still/ MPEG encode/decode o Call progress detector o non integer sample rate converter o delta-ceptrum feature extracter o text to phones LPC,LPC to speach o speech recognizer o digit recognizer o talker verification o 3d gfx library o MIDI music syth with EMU proteus soundlibs o perceptual image coder o perceptual audio coder Amiga VCOS software Architecture: VCD - applications | | (vc) vcas.library | | dsp3210.device---dsp3210.resource | | (ve) DSPEntry-->DSPEntry-->DSPEntryN | | | | | | IntProc | IntProc | IntProc | IntServer | IntServer| IntServer| | | | | | | HardWar HardWar HardWare _-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_  ·=============================================================· | aNd rEMEMBEr rEAL fRIENDSHIp rOOLz , bUSINESs sUXx | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ···················································· | | · scene suxx ! everbody is fucking everybody ! · | | · thats why it`s so hard to get on here. We are · | | · online about 3 years now and for the fact that · | | · we wanna stay online a few more don`t spread · | | · the numbers and don`t give away your password · | | · and respect the software companies. · | | · remember a game worth playing is a game worth · | | · buying · | | ···················································· | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | aNd rEMEMBEr rEAL fRIENDSHIp rOOLz , bUSINESs sUXx | ·=============================================================·