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STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Mon Apr 24 12:21:57 1995 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+                             ___ ___ ____ / /_ ______/ /_ ______ New^Deal German Headquarter & Order Site / _/_/ __/_\_ / __// __ / Animators German Headquarter /__ / / / / / / / \__/__ _ __ .-- HauJobb Masturbation Site / /_____/_____/_____/_____ __ _ (__)|- Pain Masturbation Site _//__/n^D! | Searchin' for Konzole group _________ ________________ _________ +49-ZyXEL-19.2k +49-Terbo-19.2k _\_ / /__/ __ / _ / _/_/ /\_ / +49-v.fast/v.34-28.8k / / / / / \__/ _/ _/__ / / / / +49-EuroISDN-64 +49-EuroISDN-64 /_____/_____/________\ \ / /__/_____/ \ _//__/-jD!`95 Amiga - Konzole - Intel ...da RoCK PoMMES LaND \ of coz all group releases free d/l - xtra credz for majors & konzole games                             ________ __ _____ __ __ _____ _____ _/ \__)_____ _____ __ _/ _/ | \_____ _/ _/ \___\_ | | _/_/ | _/ (__)___\_ l_\_ | _/ \_ \_ l_\_ | _/ \_ | | | \_ l__| \_ l__| _/ \_|__| | \_ l___/ | |__| | | l___/ | | | | |__ | |__| \_ l___/l | | l__ | | l | | |_ l__|__| l__| l | | l | | | l__ l_____| | | l__ l_____| | | `--' l__ | l__ l__| | `--' l__ | <-- `--'- --l__ |- - -- -÷2F÷- `--'-- - --`--'--l__|---- --- ---- --`--'-> `--' pRODIGY gHQ «» nEUTRON wHQ «» iLLUSION wHQ «» nEW^dEAL gHQ sYSOP: gENERATION/pDY^nTR^iLS cOSYSOP: 2fAST «» cAOS «» dAN «» mR.bIG «» eCS & mARIO 2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! - -+-rUNNING aMIEXPRESS v4.xX !-+- - - -+-sUPPORTING dA lATEST aMIGA & cONSOLE sTUFF-+- - .------.----------.----------.--------------------.-----------. | dATE | 04-23-95 | uPLOADER | GeNeRaTiOn | wE rULE | +------+----------+----------+--------------------+------.----+ | tIME | 00:34:22 | lOCATION | [+] PRODIGY '95 [+ | nODE | 00 | `------^----------^----------^--------------------^------^----' - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- - [ dA rEAL tHING! ] __ __ : __________ __ \/ S·W·|·T·C·H·B·O·A·R·D \/ ¦ ______________\ `-'/______________ __ ________ __ _____| ___)__ ________ \ / /__ ____ `-'/_)_____ `-'/__)_ | __________ \_ /\ / / / / \ / /____/__ | / / / \ /\ / /__/ __ \__/ | / _ | | / \/ | / _\/_ \ | | |____|____/\ /________|/ \/\/ \______________| |___ _ _ ________| \ / \_________\ _ ________| ________ __ \/H2o! _______ _______ _ _)_____ `-'/ __________)_____ \ _______ _____)_____ \ / __/___)____ \ __ \___)_____`-'/ / \_ | / \/ \_ \/ / _/ _/__ | / | / | \ / /_____ _ ___________| /_________| \ /___________| ___)) _ __________| _ _______\ / ((______ \/ _ __ ___ __________)) sLAVES: /\UTOPSY/HLM mASTER: coUGar/HLM & NO LIMIT/HLM (*) H O O D L U M G E R M A N H E A D Q U A R T E R S (*) (*) sUPPORT|NG aM|Ga - cONSOLE - pEEcEE (*) (*) 3 nODEZ dUAL r|NGdOWN (*) (*) 2 nODEZ iSDN r|NGdOWN (*) (*) +49-cLOSED-sYSTEM (*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- high! i am galaxy writing again. well some of you still remember me and some not but well who cares (ain't this be a standart line of every text starting?) oki i wanted to write a few words about the future of the amiga. as in the past days go around ESCOM bought the commodore label or how ever we should call that. well i saw a lot of you guys who where realy afraid about that commodore was sold and a possibly new way will go on. but have you think clearlier? possible not.. here a few lines... - ESCOM is germans worsest PC developer hardware cloner ever. they'r PC clones are cheap and shit! almost all PC owners will agree with me. how would you think the future amiga or what ever will be look like? well i think not much better as the PC's build from them.. battery clock, with seperate battery (not connected in the motherboard, if thebattery gets empty all setups, batmem etc will hang.. so you must open your PC-AMIGA and exchange the battery) - well as in the passing texts written, maybe an AMIGA power PC will be build.. well alone that word PC will take me out a puke. what would i think when hearing PC-like? well, the motherboard will get split up in audio card, graphic card, i/o card etc.. which is never a standrat of commodore, but well i can live with it. it could become a good idea at least but the speed will get down for the arse. the compatibility will get down for the arse etc... maybe no motorla processor anymore, maybe an mathc copro, from ibm cyrix or what ever.. probably that operanding system ms-dos will be included.. - in an joking reply to that guy who posted all those mails, i wrote that ESCOM will open the amiga case take out the amiga motherboard, break it down into parts, open the trashcan put it in there and build in a cheap fucking ibm clone as replacement... - well dunno what to say about this, in the text there was written a line that the commodore TECHNICIANS will PROBABLY taken over or should i say ESCOM tries to get them back... well in my opinion, nobody of them would work for such ideots, they are all fleshed in commodore belivers, how ever would they be able to release a such great machine like AMIGA, also the sence to work for an PC firm would suck them off completely, the background meaning would be. 'if they wanted a PC they made commodore computers become PC..' with MS-DOS fuck operanding system and so on.. well what means, that PC technicians will take over the production and could you imagine what will happen? yep, split up and a never be compatible again machine.. eg: what would happen when we say, that some willing in to work with them what do you think will happen? all those PC-suck technicians under them who knows all better... or better what will happen if the result was finished, would the bosses will agree what they made? remember that they are all PC belivers.. well these are a few dissagreements of this story maybe i write a few more texts when i could imagine more interessting shit to be posted. well i liked to hear that COMMODORE UK would be that one who bought COMMODORE, or an beliving firm, but unfortunately a fucking PC firm did.. well it would be better if a bigger PC firm was that one who bought it but well unfortunately such a low-cost producer firm did.. in the future we could expect a totaly RE-REWORKED AMIGA like PC-CLONE.. different hardware, because of the PC-TECHNICIANS who likes PC-boards and maybe dislike the system commodore did... and the second thing, that all firms or what ever have PC's installed and so the amiga must become like this. to stay and keep the market... well you could also say well that i am ill in brain an all will become better, well it might become better but better for PC owners not for fleshed in commodore belivers, have you thought about that nearly all amiga hardware developers and software developers quit and went to PC? what do you expect will ESCOM do? saying ok we keep on that disease?? well don't blame yourself if you don't belive me... they didn't bought commodore for fun, they realy want to get out all the shit they could get to make money... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.-.--------------------------------------.-. |_| |_| | cOMMODORE rULES! | | | | bUT | | | | eSCOM sUXX! | | | `----------------------------------------' [ dA rEAL tHING! ] __ __ : __________ __ \/ S·W·|·T·C·H·B·O·A·R·D \/ ¦ ______________\ `-'/______________ __ ________ __ _____| ___)__ ________ \ / /__ ____ `-'/_)_____ `-'/__)_ | __________ \_ /\ / / / / \ / /____/__ | / / / \ /\ / /__/ __ \__/ | / _ | | / \/ | / _\/_ \ | | |____|____/\ /________|/ \/\/ \______________| |___ _ _ ________| \ / \_________\ _ ________| ________ __ \/H2o! _______ _______ _ _)_____ `-'/ __________)_____ \ _______ _____)_____ \ / __/___)____ \ __ \___)_____`-'/ / \_ | / \/ \_ \/ / _/ _/__ | / | / | \ / /_____ _ ___________| /_________| \ /___________| ___)) _ __________| _ _______\ / ((______ \/ _ __ ___ __________)) sLAVES: /\UTOPSY/HLM mASTER: coUGar/HLM & NO LIMIT/HLM (*) H O O D L U M G E R M A N H E A D Q U A R T E R S (*) (*) sUPPORT|NG aM|Ga - cONSOLE - pEEcEE (*) (*) 3 nODEZ dUAL r|NGdOWN (*) (*) 2 nODEZ iSDN r|NGdOWN (*) (*) +49-cLOSED-sYSTEM (*)                      tHIS fILE wAS d/l fROM:         __  _____ _____ __ __ _____ ______ _____ _____ | |  _/ \_ ._ \___ __(__) l_ _/ \_ ___/ _/ \_ \_____| |__  \_ l___/ |/ /__) \_ _/_ \_ | _/ _/ \_ l___/ | _/ | \_ | |  l__ | __/| \_ l___/ | | | | | | l__ | | | | _/ l |  | | | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | | | | l__ |  l__ l__| | | l__l__ | l_____l__| l__ l_____| | | `--'  <-- `--' ÷2F÷ l__l__| --- `--' ---- ---- - - -- `--' --- l_____| ---->   tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. gHQ aRTCORE wHQ mEGAHUNTER: mARIO/tRSI cO-hUNTERS: eCS/tRSI aND zOU^zOU!/tRSI  5 nODEZ rD - (fATAL 2*28.8k|USR 1*19.2k ZYX|nATURE 2*64.Ok) - a4OOO/o4o!   iNVITED 'n eLITE oNLY - aMIGA/suPER fAMICOM/sEGA gENESIS   aLL fROM *TRSI/ARTCORE* fREE d/L - aRTCORE oRDER sTORE iNCLUDED   #1 - #5: +1-8OO-aSK-tRSI   [ [ sOS - oNE oF gERMAN'S fASTEST - SOs ] ]   [ [ gET iNVITED aND mEET tHE pURE eLITE hERE ] ]   [!NOW THE 3rd ANALOG ZYX-19.2k IS BACK ONLINE AGAIN!] Upload Date: [04-22-95] - Upload Time [21:52:39] dRE!Add v1.10 [REGiStERED] bY dR.dRE! (tRSi /X·iNNOVATiON) ________ __ _____ __ __ _____ _____ _/ \__)_____ _____ __ _/ _/ | \_____ _/ _/ \___\_ | | _/_/ | _/ (__)___\_ l_\_ | _/ \_ \_ l_\_ | _/ \_ | | | \_ l__| \_ l__| _/ \_|__| | \_ l___/ | |__| | | l___/ | | | | |__ | |__| \_ l___/l | | l__ | | l | | |_ l__|__| l__| l | | l | | | l__ l_____| | | l__ l_____| | | `--' l__ | l__ l__| | `--' l__ | <-- `--'- --l__ |- - -- -÷2F÷- `--'-- - --`--'--l__|---- --- ---- --`--'-> `--' pRODIGY gHQ «» nEUTRON wHQ «» iLLUSION wHQ «» nEW^dEAL gHQ sYSOP: gENERATION/pDY^nTR^iLS cOSYSOP: 2fAST «» cAOS «» dAN «» mR.bIG «» eCS & mARIO 2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! - -+-rUNNING aMIEXPRESS v4.xX !-+- - - -+-sUPPORTING dA lATEST aMIGA & cONSOLE sTUFF-+- - .------.----------.----------.--------------------.-----------. | dATE | 04-23-95 | uPLOADER | GeNeRaTiOn | wE rULE | +------+----------+----------+--------------------+------.----+ | tIME | 00:34:23 | lOCATION | [+] PRODIGY '95 [+ | nODE | 00 | `------^----------^----------^--------------------^------^----' - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- - _______/\_______/\_______/\ \ ___________ _ _ \ __/\____ \_ / \_ _/ \_ === \_ \ _/ / _/ \_ _/ == tHiNK yA cAN hANDLE eLiTE? gET xS! === \______ /______ /_____\ / \/ \/ \/ [-AquaAdder v1.0-] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__. .___.______.._____.._____. |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷¬| |÷ ¬|\__. ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬| : :__ | | || | || | || | || | || | |___||÷ | || | || | | __:/ /\_\ | | || | || | || | || | || | .___.| | || | || | | /\_\ _\/_/ | | || | || | || | || | || | | ¬|| | || | || | | \/_/ :\ | | || | || | || | || _|__|| | | || | || | || | | : : | |__|| |__|| . || . <| \_ || |__ | || | || |__|| | | : |__. ¬|| | | | || | || | || | ¬|| || | || .>_|| . < | ¬| || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | ¬|| | | | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |^ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |W | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |¿ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |Ð ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! : | :: : : : :: : :: | :: :: :: : :: : :: : : : :: : : : :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: : : . . . . : : . . . . . . . STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Mon Apr 24 12:21:56 1995 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+