%S¥SøP%ÐELTAFøRçE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ________________________________________________ % % \ ¬\ ____\ _ ¬\ ¬\ ____\ ¬\ % % /. / / /. _____/. / /. / /. _____/. /___ % % // / / // // / // /__// // / / % % /__/_/__ /______ /___/___ /____ / /______ /_______ / % % ¬\/TANGo¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CøS¥S%[-GHANDY-]%                                    S C A N D A L D I S T R I B U T I O N S I T E    >> DELTAFORCE · GHANDY · J.WALKER · Mr.VAIN · APOLLO <<  /\ .____:_ _ _ __ ____________________/ \\____ | |___________ __ \\\_\\______ /___ / \\ \| | __ //_/----------------------. .----| / / / \____/ \ | \ /--· GLOBAL OVERDOSE WHQ | | | ____/ / / | \ | \__/ SyNdRoME WHQ | | |_ _|---\________/ |___|\ |______\ ArClItE WHQ | | ¦ ¦D! |____| \___|____. _____ IllUsIoN MeGA-HQ | _+__--|____|__________________________ | |___.-/ /------+-------------| \\\_\\______ / /__________ \ \| | |/ / | GOD-PC USHQ | | | / __/ / / __ \ \ | _/ __/ | ToXiC USHQ | | | . \_ / / \ \ \ | \ \ | DeZiGN USHQ | `----¦_________/_______/\_________/__|\ |___\ \_-------+-------------' - -: - - - \___| \____/- - _ __ ___ ___ __ _ \\\_\\__\\ SySoP? - ]>/\]L/\][ ]L/\/X\/\ //__//_/// * T H E S T A F F * -TCB!-/GoD,ExoCeT/aTx,The SHaDoW/TxC,G.E.M./iLs,sNoW/LgC,LOrD ThINkER/sYn  ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ / ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ |¯\_ / ¬\/ ¬\/ |¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\ / / __/ | \ | \ _ / | 7 _ _ / / | \ | \ | \ __/ __/ \__ \/\ _/\ _ )_ / ¬\/\ _ | (_7 \__ \/\ _ )| )_ )( ¬\ _/\ / ¬\ ) ) 7 / 7 \ ) 7 | ¯| / ¬\ ) 7 / / 7 / ) ) \_____/\____/\_|_/\_|__/\___/\_|__| \_____/\_|_/\___/\_|_/\____/\____/ ¯~°¤©¤°~¯~°¤®¤°~¯~°¤©¤°~¯~°¤®¤°~¯~ ¯~°¤®¤°~¯~°¤©¤°~¯~°¤®¤°~¯~°¤©ZMb .-------------------------------------------------. ¦·-(*) /X 3.3¤ <*> A3025 <*> o-3d Am¡ga & PC (*)-·¦ | \ ·-<*> SysOp: Kri$teN / /)ecnite <*>-· / | | \<*> Am¡ga Co-SysOp: ZoMbiE / iNSANE <*>/ | | /\<*> iBM Staff: 0perator & Lemming <*>/\ | ¦ \/(*) Supports /)ecnite Productions (*)\/ ¦ `-------------------------------------------------' @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _/\________ /\_________ /\____ \\_ __ \/ . // . \----------ø | |\ \ |______ | \\ Mag-Net| · : |/ / | / | \ Info! : : |____/ /\_____ \_____: \_Read! | `-----\____/[ßmR!]\____|-----|______/------' Information about Mag-Net. Read&Spread. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ·\ _ ·\ ·\ _ __________\\ ________)\/\_______/\__)\ ________ _____)\ _________)\ \_______ \/ / ________/ \/ ______\/ __ \_/ / / \__\ \ | /\ \_ _/ \ \ \ \__\ \ \_ | /\ / Y \ : _/ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ : _/ \ < __________/__________\ ~ _\_____\ · \____/Oo.\______)__________\ \____/=-------~---------=\\_____/ !\ \_____\=-------.uloste.--------=\\ \ · ~ ,---------------------------. | Information about Mag-Net | `---------------------------' Mag-Net is an advertisement mag by Decnite. It is divided to the following sections: Swapping Adverts Other Adverts BBS Adverts Messages News Charts Articles Adverts: Two possible sizes, 38x22 or 78x22. Max.two adverts per person/BBS. NOTE! If you want colors in your adverts then paint them yourself! Use ANSI-codes, colors explained later in this file. Messages: Max.50 messages per person. Max.2 lines per message. NOTE! The right format explained later in this file. News: Only fresh news wanted. Charts: You can vote for many different subjects. The voteform is included in this file. Articles: Write only about important matters. Mag-Net is only an advertmag... ,----------------------------. | Filename-rules - READ THIS | `----------------------------' Use this kind of filenames in your support: "handle.extension" Extensions are: 38x22 Adverts: .ad 78x22 Adverts: .bd BBS Adverts: .BBS News: .news Messages: .msg Votes: .votes If you've got two 38x22 adverts, use "handle.ad1" "handle.ad2" and so on. For group adverts, use "group.extension" like "Decnite.bd". For other adverts, use "subject.extension" like "MusicCD.bd". ,----------------------------------. | Advert ANSIpainting instructions | `----------------------------------' Use ANSIcolors 1-7, ie. ESC[31-37m. Colors are: 31 White 32 Red 33 Green 34 Blue 35 Yellow 36 Cyan 37 Purple And remember - if you won't paint your adverts, they won't have any colors! ,----------------------. | ClipArt Instructions | `----------------------' Cliparts should be in Med-res, 8 colors, max.320x180. ,--------------------. | Format of Messages | `--------------------' Messages from Handle/Group: Kvaak/Nax: Nice handle! Poing/oetrao: Nice group! Thanks for contacting me. Please send your latest warez soon. Zombie/Insane: Nice hair. Kone gurutti. ,-----------------. | Mag-Net issue 3 | `-----------------' Mag-Net issue 3 will be released soon. It features fully multitasking and systemfriendly code. If you want to test it on your machine, please contact Wasp. There won't be Nordic charts in issue 3, because we haven't got enough votes yet. We've got about 200 adverts now. The voting door for AmiExpress isn't ready yet, but it will be soon. ,------------------------. | How to support Mag-Net | `------------------------' Send your support to: Decnite Poste Restante 13210 HML Finland Or call Station X Omega or Search 4 Savage. ,-----------------------. | Nordic chart Voteform | `-----------------------' /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·MAGNET'S NORDIC CHART VOTINGFORM· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ You can only vote for Scandinavian dudes. You can't vote yourself or anyone in your crew. Just fill up this one and send it on disk/paper/etc. with the rest of the stuff to: DECNITE, POSTE RESTANTE, 13210 HML, FINLAND /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST MODEMTRADERS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST BOARDS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST SWAPPER· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·FASTEST CREW (SWAP&MODEM)· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST TRACKMO· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST 1 FILE DEMO· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST MUSICDISK· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST PACKS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST CODER· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST MUSICIAN· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST GFX-ARTIST· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST GROUP· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST PARTY· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·BEST STICKERS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. ,----------------------. | Modemcharts Voteform | `----------------------' /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·MAGNET'S fINNISH MODEMCHARTS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ You can only vote for Finnish dudes and boards. Fill it up and send with the rest to: DECNITE, POSTE RESTANTE, 13210 HML, FINLAND /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·fASTEST BOARDS ON >AMIGA<· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·COOLEST OVERALL SYSTEMS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·MOST LIKED SYSOPS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·FASTEST CREW (SWAP&MODEM)· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·FASTEST TRADERS ON >AMIGA<· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·TOP ASCII DUDES· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3. /\ /\ _ __ ____/\_____/ \ ___________ ________/\_____/ \___________ __ _ \/ \/ /\ ·COOLEST/fASTEST MAILTRADERS· /\ _ ____/\_____/ \ _________ ____________________/\_____/ \__ _ _ \/ \/ 1. 2. 3.  /\ .____:_ _ _ __ ____________________/ \\____ | |___________ __ \\\_\\______ /___ / \\ \| | __ //_/----------------------. .----| / / / \____/ \ | \ /--· GLOBAL OVERDOSE WHQ | | | ____/ / / | \ | \__/ SyNdRoME WHQ | | |_ _|---\________/ |___|\ |______\ ArClItE WHQ | | ¦ ¦D! |____| \___|____. _____ IllUsIoN MeGA-HQ | _+__--|____|__________________________ | |___.-/ /------+-------------| \\\_\\______ / /__________ \ \| | |/ / | GOD-PC USHQ | | | / __/ / / __ \ \ | _/ __/ | ToXiC USHQ | | | . \_ / / \ \ \ | \ \ | DeZiGN USHQ | `----¦_________/_______/\_________/__|\ |___\ \_-------+-------------' - -: - - - \___| \____/- - _ __ ___ ___ __ _ \\\_\\__\\ SySoP? - ]>/\]L/\][ ]L/\/X\/\ //__//_/// * T H E S T A F F * -TCB!-/GoD,ExoCeT/aTx,The SHaDoW/TxC,G.E.M./iLs,sNoW/LgC,LOrD ThINkER/sYn           %S¥SøP%ÐELTAFøRçE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ________________________________________________ % % \ ¬\ ____\ _ ¬\ ¬\ ____\ ¬\ % % /. / / /. _____/. / /. / /. _____/. /___ % % // / / // // / // /__// // / / % % /__/_/__ /______ /___/___ /____ / /______ /_______ / % % ¬\/TANGo¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CøS¥S%[-GHANDY-]%                                    S C A N D A L D I S T R I B U T I O N S I T E    >> DELTAFORCE · GHANDY · J.WALKER · Mr.VAIN · APOLLO <<