__/__________. ______ \ ____|_____ ________________________/____/ / / ______ \/ ____/ ____ / // // / / /_. ____/ ____/ / /_. /________/ \_______|____________________/ \_______| <-rS!----/_______|--------------/-----------/_______|-----------+ ______ | ____\ \ _____________/________ _________ ________ | / \ \/ ______ \/ /___.___| / | / /\ \\ | / / /_. / | / | __/_______/\______\_________/ \_______|___________| | // | / /_______| /___________/<---+ (*) c r e a m / o l d s k o o l h e a d q u a r t e r s (*) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -[SNES/GENESiS/MANGA/HANDHELD/PC ENGiNE/ALL KIND OF CONSOLES]- wicked team : DoC HoLLiDaY / Elitendo-&-RiSC Terminator / Oldskool Noisy Belch / Logic S!X Hero Fazwonga! / Cream & Oldskool -------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) a s k a r o u n d - a f u c k i n´ f a s t s y s t e m (*) -^(· FastAdd v1.1 by nIKE '94! ·)^- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % H O W T O H A R D W I R E A % % * S O N Y P L A Y S T A T I O N * % % F O R G o L d D I S C S % % PlAy PiRaTe Cd'S EaSiLy & ReLiaBlY % % Typed and everything by: 2 T U F F % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2T%%% @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ************************************************************************ * 2TUFF* *-> How to hardwire a Sony Playstation for pirate gold disc software <-* *2TUFF * ************************************************************************ This textfile simply explains how to add a switch to your Playstation. This will then allow you to easily play gold disc's on a bog standard PSX not a œ12,000 Blue PSX haha. If you've read the textfile from BamBam in Holland then you will know what im talking about. I received a gold disc today and tried it, the method worked but it was a real pain in the ass! The object on the switch would have to be fairly weighty otherwise anything else was an incredible pain. I had a switch I removed from an old Filmnet/Sky decoder scart cable. I decided to use this switch for this little project. Anyway I got it to work first time and the result is:- * 100% working * Lid may be closed again whilst playing (even better) * 100% hassle free Apparatus +----2t-+ 1 * SWITCH (LEFT/RIGHT) 2 * WIRES (ANY COLOR, I USED RIBBON CABLE) 1 * SOLDERING IRON (I USED A HOT NORMAL 25WATT ONE) * PIECE OF SOLDER [pref LOW-MELT POINT] (NOT MUCH) Instructions +------2t--+ WIRE : Get your 2 pieces of wire and cut them to around 6-7 inches long. strip and tin both ends of the 2 wires. Snip the tinned ends so they ain't too big (especially the end you decide will be for PSX). *READ [SWITCH :]* SWITCH : Okay the switch I had, had the following information on it:- 5646 apr K9 apem I don't know much about switches unfortunately haha! Anyway it was a 6 pole switch i.e :- 1o o o @ Solder one of your wires to the TOP MIDDLE pin of ------- switch. o o o @ Solder the other to the TOP RIGHT pin of switch. PLAYSTATION : @ Open your Sony Playstation by removing the 5 black screws underneath. * NOTICE WHERE THE CD ACTIVE SWITCH IS! (WHERE THE CIRCLE IN CASING IS) * @ Remove all gold screws from the shielding etc (a fair few). @ Take CD Drive off the top and lean to the left on power area. @ Place Joyport section in front of machine on floor (still connected) [If the connector comes out just glenty force it back down the right way, there is no lift up and push on this connector] @ Lean the shielding over to the left as well with CD Drive carefully. @ Look at the little black micro switch, where the circle shield was. * It has 4 legs altogether, 2 on the left under each other, and the same on the right * [D O N T W O R R Y] @ Quicky add a very small amount of solder to the 2 right legs. * Do this very quickly, but make sure its a nice bond. DO NOT leave the iron on the legs for more than 2 secs. * @ Give the legs time to cool down @ Solder one wire of the switch to the one leg on the right. @ Solder the other wire of the switch to the other leg on the right. I E :- ___ --| o |-- ------- Wire one -> switch TOP MIDDLE --|___|-- ------- Wire two -> switch TOP RIGHT @ Locate where you want the switch to be. * This is a sworish point, I thought by the A/C In port but it turned out my switch collided with this port. In the end I've got my switch sticking up on the TOP of the machine. My switch is located 2.2cm away from the back and in the middle of the expansion port with the plastic flap! @ put everything back together and before you put it totally back together, test it first [BE CAREFUL]. If its ok put it back together and enjoy! CONCLUSION : 1. If the switch is in the one position your Playstation is as normal. 2. If the switch is in the other position your Playstation will act in the method needed to use gold disc's [REFER TO BAMBAM'S TEXT] 3. No need to have CD lip open whilst playing now. This will be even better as NO light can enter as wanted by SONY etc etc. 4. No hassle with an object coming off the button and crashing your game (its a bastard thats why I did this SO FASSSSSSSSST). MeSsAgEz ---2T!-- Scott/Crystal.....Thanx for explaining how a switch works (pins) haha hope you enjoyed your sleep again after. Mad Turnip........Word up dude this Playstation stuff is dope ain't it. I love Playstation tunes (Haha :>) BamBam............Thanx for the info file on how to play the gold disc's and sorry for beefs on the BBS dude! Diabolik..........Sega Saturn is not crap, and Im proud to have both kewl machines. Hope this pleases you!!!!! Protocol..........Peace birmingham nigga, I still ain't got my fucking Edge hahah wonder if they know I was the one writting most of the mag up for online purposes haha :-|/< R2D2..............Still mega thanx for that RGB information on PSX. Johnny5...........Still lame as ever? Sheesh you lie so much! Hot Tuna..........Thanx for infoz on various questions quizzed. ToySoft...........Keep up those Satellite de-cryption programs for PC Markus............Why spoil our fun for rip off bastards???????? Hawkeye...........Super farts rule ya'll hahah shaolin style nigga! John Loader/FAST..JEAHHHHH MUTHAFUCKA, IM STILL ERE G BUSSING MAD VIBES. YES ITS DA MAIN NIGGA ON DA TRIGGER G. JEAHHHH DA FUCKING `ICE-T' OF CRYSTAL !PUNK! Kam...............Hope your still enjoying your SNES haha no your not getting my Panasonic FZ-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tehe! -2TUFF 1ST/JUNE/95