sof! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ ___ ____ \ __| /___\ /_ _ _______|_ _ ¬| _ | __/ _|_______ ._\ |/ \)___(/ | \| /_. |_______//____\ /___________\\_______| | | | phase truce brought you today | | 5th colly called keint flint | | by luk.phase truce! | |_________ __ _________I /_____ \/ _____\ctp!/L124 /___/ \___\ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ yo mothapukkin.... :: :: :: :: ::.............. ..............:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::......................... :: :: :: :: ....................:: :: :: :: :: ............................ :: :: :: :: :: :: ............... ::........................::.........::.........:: :: :: :: :: :: :: ....... :: ................:: ......::...... :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::....:: :: :: ::...::..::... :: :: :: :: :: :: ..........::...................::...............::... :: :: :: :: :: :: ::.......:: :: :: ........ .____::______________________. :: :: :: :: :: | :: | ::........... :: :: ::.. :: | :: | :: :: ::........:: ...........:: | ...........::....:: :: | | :: :: ...............:: | _____ | :: ::..... :: | / / ____ ____ | ::.......... :: :: | / /----\_ \ / __/____ | :: :: :: _ - -------' __/ _/ V \__ /------- - _ ::....:: :: \\_ ®EV¿ \_ . . <_ L124! _// :: _/\/ `-----------------'-------'----\___/----------' \/\_ :: ......... | | :: :: :: | ................... ::........::.... :: | .l.u.k. :: | :: :: :: ::......... :: | .......::.... :: :: | ::...............:: | :: :: :: ::..:: | | ::.....:: :: | | :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... ::::::: | | ::::::: :: :: ::::::: | | ::::::: :: ::. ::::::: | ,¤0p | :::::::...... :: ::::::: _j0__åb_ _________ ::::::: :: ::.....::::::: _ __/\____| ÆF 0LV ____/___/\__ _ ::::::: :: ::::::: | 0 ãÎ| ___/ ::::::: :: ::::::: luk!__| 0L ÆF| |___pht! ::::::: :: ::::::: `-ÆÎ--_0-'-----' ::::::: :: ::::::: | ¶ÎjØ´ | ::::::: :: ::::::: | ¬° | ::::::: :: ::::::: | | ::::::: :: .....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: ............ | :: | :: :: :: :: | ........ :: | ................:: :: :: :: | :: :: ::............ | :: ::....::........:: | :: ...:: :: | :: ............. :: | ::.......... :: | :: :: :: :: | :: :: | :: :: ..... :: :: | ::..........:: | ::....:: :: :: :: ::..... | _______ | :: ::...:: ________::__ ._|__\ \ ______|__ ______::__ \ \ | | \ /\ /÷ / / / \_______ \_| |\ \__/ \__/ ____/---/ _____/ _ __.| (/ |_\ / \________ / ____/__ .__ _ \)\ || · / \ (/ · || /(/ || |____\ __. / \ || ``------' \_____| |___/ \_________/-----------'' ...........:: | sCåb/ \wDc! ::........ :: ___ / \ __ __ :: :: ( )-' / ( | \ ( (--' :: :: · ¯¯ · ¯¯ ¯¯ :: ::............... | | .................:: :: | .............. | :: ........... :: | :: .......::......... | :: ........... :: :: :: | :: :: :: :: | :: :: :: :: :: :: | :: :: :: :: | :: :: :: :: ::..::...|....:: :: ::.......:: | ::.....::.......:: :: :: | ::... | :: ::...........:: | :: | :: ______ __ |_________ _::__ _____ ___| _____ :: _ __/\___.\____ V V / ___/_| ___/_ / ___/| \---| /_ ___/\__ _ | \/ | ___/| _)_.|_____ V _)_| \ | ___/_ luk!___| ___| |__| ' | \/ | ' | \ | |___pht! `----' `---' `------'-------'------'---\___|------' | :: | | :: .......................... ...................................:: :: | :: :: | :: :: | :: :: ................. | .....::..........:: | :: :: :: :: | :: | .................:: :: :: ......... :: | .....:: | :: :: :: :: :: | | :: ......... :: :: :: :: | ¸øb_ | :: :: :: :: ::.........:: :: | â000# | :: :: :: :: :: | jÆ000000 __â| ::...........::.....:: :: æpµ_.....:: | â__ _Æ000P¬Ø00Þ¸ _âg000| :: :: Ø000gµ__ | ø0000pµd000P ¬Ø0000000000Î ___âæg0 :: :: ã00000000pµ|j000@00000P ¬¶00#P¯ ã000___âµgØ000000F :: :: ...... 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" § | | I ` â 1 ¬Î __/ jF ¬âµwP­w__ _| µ4 ,µ_ |_ _w­­°\_â" ¬gµ °"""¯_jP JL ¯"* _,`Få|_/ j__ ø*# ¬k f3²æmf¯ ¯Ë ¬¶­ww,amFV jL F¬µb ¯£_æ°¯þ ,m# # ÆPÎ&J / ¹_ \I_£_jP __ ,., j² E_µ*@*6 á !k þJ ¬9w j"3jÀ, ¬"5¯_, £3L! î__ F ø@²Ë __jF Ø\_ 9mF ____j , ­# 6F, £ LF! J "" F ] ¬L__jMPP9F \__\/ j°""¢f j !g e^" " ¬"þ r ____Î ¬L ¯"Wâw' ¯¯¬t_ ­,_ F _â___F ¥ ____F { æP°°°" ¬mwµµ_ ¬k ¡¸ °ÏÎ "m_ J ! °P f P¯"° Æ_ ¬­wa_ "þ ] j ¬K åL !¸ #__ °w_ #_ °w_ 0µ ¬\_ ____,* j ! °­° ÞA¸ ¬¶0 "L _ *w_ ¯^, °Â_ \j¬"°" þ Æ_ " ¬*w-' jJ¬-, _°k ]¤°w___Þ # j ¬9*m _ jF ¬""" ¬ ¬"" å µ" è"j#µ __æ@ ¯ # âP ­F F ÆP°¬Ë___ ¸, _ j0__â jæ0 j °*| ¯¬ã^jwâ ,_ø0 jË____ jÆ"°P°ãL/ |°" | *wf Æ_¡" `Ïw__â __ ,_âÆ°¶9¶9Fææq µ*° ¬" | | ¬"" ¬"Lj°ã_#°" !wF 4*F | | ¬" ¬" | | .__ ___ ______ ___ ___ | _|___ _/\__| \\/__ V ___/| \---.__| |__/\_ ___|_ | \/ | _)_| \ | | | ___ ___ ___| | | ' | \ | | |___ ___ ___ | \/ `---|____|------`---\___|------' \/ | | | | | | part 1.logos for phase truce group.. | | | | o1.phase truce..............pht | | o2.phase truce..............pht | _4 | o3.pht.diz..................pht | ,f] | o4.glaz.....................pht | j1Þ! | o5.glaz.....................pht | /H|F | o6.phase....................pht | Æ[H' | o7.binar..............binar.pht | _Á]f j | o8.caro............caro.pht+nah | ,[H| jß | | ,][H ø@N | 1o.kaiser............kaiser.pht | yH] JÚ0 |_ 11.luk..................luk.pht |/[H` _©QÆ00 _./ 12.mecenas..........mecenas.pht Á][¨ ,ø®0000 | 13.mobby..........mobby.pht+nsn _[H] y#NØ000F | 14.peer................peer.pht ,D[P jQØ0000 | 15.revi.......revi.pht+wpz+l124 yf]¹ y©Q000F | 16.smooth............smooth.pht æ]Þ` ¤©000" | 17.spark..............spark.pht /N] ,NNØ00P | 18.traitor......traitor.pht+tng _d|H jSØN00F | 19.the opium den........tod.pht !H¹ yQÞØ0@ | 2o.wild................wild.pht '|F _¤ÞQ00F | 21.voicer............voicer.pht/ /"3¸®NØ00´ | /_' JØú00P| | / ' "jÆ#" | | ,," _¢QÆP¯ | | ,y _©ÆP" | | _L pÆP | | part 2.logos for all...gF_*° | | ___Á0#" |__ | ___________âââµµµµggÏÏÏØ0000000@" _._/ ,_âââµµµgggÏÏØ0000@@@@PP°°°°°""""¯¯¯¯ | """¯¯¯¯ | | 22.amiga....................all | | 23.credits..................all | _|_ _|_ |/ 25.present..................all \| / 26.greets...................all \ /| 27.ascii....................all |\ / | 28.delays...................all | \ \ | 29.stamps back..............all | / \| |/ \ / |\ /| | \ part 3.logos for you... / | | / \ | |/ \| / 31.amifan................amifan \ /| 32.azzaro......azzaro.mawi+l124 |\ / | 33.azzaro......azzaro.mawi+l124 | \ \ | 34.mawi........azzaro.mawi+l124 | / \| 35.mawi........azzaro.mawi+l124 |/ \ 36.l124.diz....azzaro.mawi+l124 / |\ 37.blackfire.....blackfire.scum /| | \ 38.scum..........blackfire.scum / | | / 39.budgie...budgie.absurd+venal \ | |/ 4o.budgie...budgie.absurd+venal \| / 41.absurd...budgie.absurd+venal \ /| 42.venal....budgie.absurd+venal |\ / | 43.entrix.......entrix.hv+opium | \ \ | 44.high voltage.entrix.hv+opium | / \| 45.hv.diz.......entrix.hv+opium |/ \ 46.opium........entrix.hv+opium / |\ 47.farmer.........farmer.sadist /| | \ 48.sadist.........farmer.sadist / | | / bullz \ | |/ bullz \| / bullz \ /| bullz |\ / | bullz | \ \ | bullz | / \| bullz |/ \ bullz / |\ bullz /| | \ bullz / | | / 59.kessel......ksl.sweet poison \ | |/ 6o.ksl.........ksl.sweet poison \| / 61.klod..........klod.nah kolor \ /| 62.nah kolor.....klod.nah kolor |\ / | 63.nah.diz.......klod.nah kolor | \ \ | 64.krs..........krs.independent | / \| 65.lisaros...........lisaros.hv |/ \ 66.mario..............mario.ind / |\ 67.czytaj to..........mario.ind /| | \ coma.......mario.ind / | | / sports.....mario.ind \ | |/ 7o.mario..........mario.reality \| / 71.reality........mario.reality \ /| 72.paplo............paplo.taski |\   / | 73.taski............paplo.taski | \ \ | 74.rebel......rebel.independent | / \__ _ _ __/ luk!/__( )______________________________________( )__\pht! let's go! part 1.logos for phase truce group... __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o1 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name............................phase truce! | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............phase truce members | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ._______________________. |:· ·:| | | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _/\_.\____ /.\_ | _/.\____ /.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_ _ __| \/__| _ | ____ |_ __, | \// |__ _ `-----' `---'---'-\/----'-\/----'-------' ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\__ /.\____ /.\ | /.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_ _ __| )_/ | _\/ | | | \/ | \// |__ _ `-------'--)____|-------'-------'-------' | | | .phase.truce!. | luk!|_______________________|pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o2 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name............................phase truce! | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............phase truce members | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ................................. : : : _â_ : ____:_ _____ jÃNNL _____ _:____ __/\_.\____ V /_ _¤~j άh_ | ___/_ / ___/_/\__ | \/ | __ |jF ! ! °,.|_____ V _)_ __| ___| \/ |~ F l ¬| \/ | ' |__ `----' `--/ | j k `-------'------' : / ___|__ ! t _æ*° : : ¯°*F J*P¯ : _:___ __ ____ ___ _____ ___:__ __/\_| /_| V /__| | ___/__ / ___/_/\__ | ___/| ___/ | | \/ | _)_ luk!__| | | | | | ' |__pht! `------'---'---------'-------'------' : p h a s e t r u c e! : :...............................: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o3 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................pht.diz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............phase truce members | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ___ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ___ _ __ __/_.\____ /.\_ | _/.\__ /._\__ __ _ ._)// .__| \/__| _ | )_/ |__. \\(_. | `-----' `---'---'-------' | | phase truce present... | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ _ _ _| luk!/_(/______________ _ _ ______________\)_\pht! ___\\V//___ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o4 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................glaz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....................phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ........ :: :: ......................... :: :: :: :: :: :: :: glaz _â_ ::...::....:: _::__ ___ jÃNNL __::_ __/\_| ___/_| | _¤~j_άh_ _\___ |_/\__ | \___ | |___jF ! ! °,| _____|. luk!__| _/ | | æ~ F_l ¬\ \/ |__pht! `------'----j° j k ×L-----' :: "*m__ ! t _æ*° :: :: ¯°*F J*P¯ :: ::..........................:: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o5 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................glaz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....................phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ......................... :: · · :: :. .: __:__ ___ _____ ___:_ .___| ___/_| | _\___ |_\___ |____. | | \___ | |___| ____ | _____|. | luk!__| _/ | | | \/ | \/ |__pht `------'-------'------'-------' : g l a z : :.......................: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o6 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................phase | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....................phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ __ _ ___\V/___ _ __ _._\(_\\/ \//_)/_._ | | __ ____/\_· ·____/\_ __ +._\(_.\____ /.____/\_ ____/\_.\___ /._)/_.+ )__| \/__.\_ | _/.____/\_.\ ___/. \/_/ |__( `-----' | _ .\____ /. \____ |-------' `---'---| ___ |----\/-' | `-\/----' | | | | .phase. | | our intro 64k relased | |at astrosyn'97.koszalin| |_ _ _ _ _ _| luk!//(__\\_________//__)\\pht! ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o7 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................binar | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...............binar.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _________________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ _/\_.\ ____/.\___ /.\ __ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\____ /._/\_ __| \___ | \ / | | | j k | _\/ |__ `----\/-'---\/--'---|---'m__ ! t _æ`--/____| | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ binar.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ ___________________________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o8 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................caro | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to......caro.phase truce+nah kolor | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\ ____/.æ~ F l ¬\.\____ /.\_____/._/\_ __| \/ | j k | _\/ | \/ |__ `-------'m__ ! t _æ`--/____|-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ caro.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ ___________________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................o9 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated truce+whelpz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ __ /\_ _/\_.\ ____/.\___ /.\__ /.\ \/ /._/\_ __| \/ | \ / | )_/ | \ _/ |__ `-------'---\/--'-------'-/-----' | | luk!|_ city.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ _____________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................1o | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................kaiser | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..............kaiser.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ _____\V/_____ _ __ ___// \\___ __ _._)/ jL \(_._ | F# | | Æ ] | _ ____/\_·____/\_ j Î ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _ _/ .\ _/ _/.\____ /.,F t .\ ___/.\___ /.\____ /. \_ )\_| __ \ | ___ |£_ ] | \____ | \/_/ | _\/ |_/( `---\--\'-\/----'¬°@mw_Î`----\/-'-------'--/____| | ¬" | |_ _ .kaiser.phase truce!. _ _| luk!/_//_________ _ _ _________\\_\pht! _ ______\\V//______ _ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................11 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.....................................luk | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated (luk.phase truce!) | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _____ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | | ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\ ____/.\ | /.\ _/ _/._/\_ __| _\ | | | __ \ |__ `-------'-------'---\--\' | | luk!|_ luk.pht! _|pht! //\_ _______ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................12 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................mecenas | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............mecenas.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _________________________________ _ _ ._\\/ _â_ \//_. | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ·____/\_ _/\_.\_ /.\___ /.\ ____/.\___ /.\ __ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\ ___/._/\_ __| /___/ | \/_/ | \/ | \/_/ | | | j k | \____ |__ `---|---'-------'-------'-------'---|---'m__ ! t _æ`----\/-' | mecenas.phase truce! ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ _| luk!//\_ ___________________________________ _/\\pht! ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................13 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................mobby | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to........mobby.phase truce+nipson | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ +._ _ _ _ _____________ _ _ _ _.+ )_\\_._\V// \\V/_._//_( | | _ _ ____/\_| |__ /\_ _ _ +._\/_.\_ /.____/\_ ____/\_.\ \/ /._\/_.+ )__| /___/ .\_____/.____/\_.\ ____/. \ _/ |__( `---|---| \/ .\ ____/. \___ |-/-----' `-------| \___ |----\/-' | `----\/-' | | | |_ mobby.pht+nsn _| luk!/_(\_______________/)_\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................14 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................peer | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to................peer.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ____________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\____ /.\___ /.\___ /.\____ /._/\_ __| \/__| \/_/ | \/_/ | _\/ |__ `-----' `-------'-------'--/____| | | luk!|_ peer.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ _____________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................15 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................revi | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to....revi.phase truce+whelpz+l124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ __ _ _ _____________ _ _ __ _ _ +._\V/_\(_._/// \\\_._)/_\V/_.+ | | _____ ____/\_ ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_ _____ \_ __\_.\____ /.\___ /.\ / /.\___ /._/__ _/ +._)/__| _\/ | \/_/ | / / | \ / |__\(_.+ `--/____|-------`-------`---\/--' | | | revi.pht+wpz+link124 | |_ _| luk!/__(\/\___________/\/)__\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................16 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................smooth | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..............smooth.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ _ _________________ _ _ _ _ _)\_._\\\V// \\V///_._/(_ | | +._ ____/\_| |____/\_ _.+ _ __\.\ ___/.____/\_ ____/\_.\_ | _/./__ _ \_)(_| \____ .\_ /.____/\_ ____/\_.\__ /. _ |_)(_/ `----\/-| /___/ .\_____/.\_____/. )_/ |---'---' `---|---| \/ | \/ |-------' | `-------'-------' | | smooth.phase truce! | |_ __ __ _ _ __ __ _| luk!/_)(_\___________________/_)(_\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................17 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................spark | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...............spark.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_·____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_·____/\_ _/\_.\ ___/.\____ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\____ /.\ _/ _/._/\_ __| \____ | \/__| j k | _\/ | __ \ |__ `----\/-'-----' m__ ! t _æ`--/____|---\--\' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ spark.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ ___________________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................18 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................traitor | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.................traitor.pht+tng | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ __ _ __ _ __________________________ _ __ _ __ _\(_._)// \\(_._)/_ | | +._ ____/\_| jL |____/\_ _.+ _ \.\__ /.____/\_ F# ____/\_.\____ /./ _ )_| )_/ .\____ /.____/\_ Æ ] ____/\_.\_____/. _\/ |_( `-------| _\/ .\____ /. j Î.\__ /. \/ |--/____| `--/____| ___ |,F t| )_/ |-------' | `-\/----'£_ ]`-------' | | ¬°@mw_Î | | ¬" | | traitor.phase truce+tng | |_ __ _ _ __ _| luk!/(__)( \______________________/ )(__)\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................19 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...........................the opium den | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.......the opium den.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ___ _ _______ _ ___ __)// \\(__ \ / \ / __ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ __ _)/_.\__ /.\_____/.\____ /._\(_ \_._| )_/ | \/ | ___/ |_._/ | `-------`-------`-\/----' | | | | the opium den.phase truce | |_ _ _ _| luk!/_(\___ _ _ ___/)_\pht! )//_______\\( __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................20 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................wild | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to................wild.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ dziëki stary za doprowadzenie mnie do partyplace, very thanx! _ _ _______________ _ ._\\/ \//_. | jL | | F# | | Æ ] | __ _/\_ j Î ____/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\ \| /.F t.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_ __| \_| / |_ ]| _\ | ___/ |__ `---|---'°@mw_Î-------'-\/----' | ¬" | luk!|_ wild.phase truce! _|pht! //\_ _______________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................21 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................voicer | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..............voicer.phase truce | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ _ ________________ _ _ _ _ _/(_._\V// \\V/_._)\_ | jL | | F# | | Æ ] | _ ___ /\_·____/\_ j Î ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _ _ \.\ / /.\_____/.,F t.\ ____/.\___ /.\____ /./ _ _( )_| / / | \/ |£_ ]| \/ | \/_/ | _\/ |_( )_ `-------'-------'¬°@mw_Î-------'-------'--/____| | ¬" | |_ _ voicer.phase truce _ _| /_( )____________________( )_\ part 2.logos for all... __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................22 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................amiga | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to....all people, which love amiga | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ ___________ _ _ _ __\\/ \//__ _ _ ._\\/ jL \//_. | F# | | Æ ] | ____/\_ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_ ____/\_ .\____ /.\_ /.,F t .\ ____/.\____ /. | ___ | /___/ |£_ ] | \____| ___ | `-\/----`---|---'¬°@mw_Î`----\/-`-\/----' | ¬" | |_ .amiga rules. _| //\_ ___ ___ _/\\ ¯ luk!//\_____________/\\pht! ¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................23 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................credits | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ __ _ _______ _ __ _ __ _ ___\\\//// \\\\///___ _ __ ._\// jL \\/_. | F# | | Æ ] | _ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_·____/\_ _ \//_.\ ____/.\____ /.\___ /.\____ /.,F t .\__ /.\ ___/._\\/ _| \/ | _\/ | \/_/ | ___/ |£_ ] | )_/ | \____ |_ `-------`--/____|-------`-\/----'¬°@mw_Î`-------'----\/-' | ¬" | | .credits. | | | | t t t | | e e e | | x x x | | t t t | | | |__ __| _//\____ _ _ __ __ _ _ ____/\\_ luk!///_________V_________\\\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................24 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _____________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | | ____/\_ ____/\_ __ _/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\ __ /.\___ /.\ \| /.\ ___/._/\_ __| | | \/_/ | \_| / | \____ |__ `---|---'-------'---|---'----\/-' | | luk!|_ .news. _|pht! //\_ _______________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................25 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name................................presents | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ __ _______ __ _ _ __ _ ___\\\// \\///___ _ __ _ ._\\\// \\///_. | | __ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ __ _\/_.\____ /.\____ /.\___ /.\ ___/.\___ /.\ __ /.\__ /._\/_ _ _| \/__| _\/ | \/_/ | \____ | \/_/ | | | )_/ |_ _ /\ `-----' `--/____|-------`----\/-`-------`---|---`-------' /\ ¯¯ |_ .present. _| ¯¯ ///\\_ ____ ____ _//\\\ ¯ ¯¯ luk!///\\_________//\\\pht! ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................26 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................greets | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ __ _ _________________ _ __ _.__\// \\/__._ | | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ __ .\ ____/.\____ /.\___ /.\___ /.\__ /.\ ___/. __ \ )_| \____| _\/ | \/_/ | \/_/ | )_/ | \____ |_( / `----\/-'--/____|-------`-------`-------`----\/-' | | |_ __ .greets. __ _| luk!/_\/_______________________\/_\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................27 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................ascii | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________ _ _ _._\\/ \//_._ | | _ __ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ __ _ \\/_.\____ /.\ ___/.\ ____/.\___ /.\___ /._\// +.__| ___ | \____ | \/ | \ / | \ / |__.+ `-\/----`----\/-`-------`---\/--`---\/--' | | |_ _ .ascii. _ _| luk!/__(/_____________\)__\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................28 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................delays | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ __ _ _ _______________________ _ _ __ _._\//// \\\\/_._ | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, __ /\_·____/\_ .\____ /.\___ /.\ ____/._æ~ F l ¬\_.\ \/ /.\ ___/. | ___/ | \/_/ | _\ |° j k ×| \ _/ | \____ | `-\/----`-------`-------'*m__ ! t _æ*`-/-----`----\/-' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ _ .delays. _ _| luk!/__)\_____________________________/(__\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................29 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.............................stamps back | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_._ | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | +._ ____/\_·____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _.+ _ \.\ ___/.\__ /._æ~ F l ¬\_.\_ /.\____ /.\ ___/./ _ _\)_| \____ | )_/ |° j k ×| /___/ | \/__| \____ |_(/_ `----\/-`-------'*m__ ! t _æ*`---|---`-----' `----\/-' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ | |_ .\ ____/.\____ /.\ ____/.\ _/ _/. _| |\)_| \___ | ___ | \/ | __ \ |_(/| | `----\/-`-\/----`-------`---\--\' | | | |_ _ .stamps back. _ _| luk!/___(/___________________________\)___\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................30 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............................all | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ __\V/__ _ _._\\/ \//_._ | | +._ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_·___ /\_ _.+ _ \.\_ /.\___ /.\ __ /.\ | /./ _ \)_| /___/ | \/_/ | | | | |_(/ `---|---`-------`---|---`-------' | .menu. | |_ _ _ _| luk!/___(/___\)___\pht! part .3 logos for you... __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................31 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................amifan | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..............amifan.independent | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ________ ________ _ __ _ ______\ /______ _ __ _ ._\\\// \\///_. | | ____/\_| .amifan. |____/\_ _ _.\____ /.____/\_ ____/\_.\ __ /._ _ \\_| ___ .\_ /.____/\_ ____/\_.\____ /. | |_// `-\/----| /___/ .\___ /.\ _ /. ___ |---|---' `---|---| \ / | \ \/ |-\/----' |_ `---\/--'-------' _| luk!//_____________ _____________\\pht! ________/ \________ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................32 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................azzaro | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ __________________________ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_·____/\_ _/\_.\____ /.\____ /.\____ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\____ /.\_____/._/\_ __| ___ | ____ | ____ | j k | _\/ | \/ |__ `-\/----'----\/-'----\/-'m__ ! t _æ`--/____|-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ azzaro.mawi+link124 _|pht! //\_ ___________________________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................33 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................azzaro | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ......._______________________. ................ :: | :: ......... ::.:: a.z.z.a.r.o | :: :: :: | ,¤0p :: :: _::__ _____ _____ _____ __ |_j0__åb_ _ __/\___ _\___ |_\___ |__\___ |__\___ V V ÆF 0L|___/\__ _ | ____ | _____|. _____|. ____ | ___0 ãÎ| luk!___| \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | | 0L ÆF|___pht! :: :: `------'-------'-------'------'---'-ÆÎ--_0-' :: ::.... :: : | ¶ÎjØ´ ::.........:: ¦ | ¬° _|_________________________| · __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................34 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................mawi | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_ jF ! ! °, __ _/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\_ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\ \| /.\___ /._/\_ __| /___/ | j k | \_| / | \ / |__ `---|---'m__ ! t _æ`---|---'---\/--' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ .mawi. _|pht! //\_ _____________________ _/\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................35 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................mawi | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ............ .................. :::: :::: ...:::: °ø, ,ø'° :::: :::: __ ___ _____Ø,__ ___,ø'/\_ :::: _ __/\__| \\/__ |_\___ ¬Ø,,Ø, ,ø'_ _)__/\__ _ | \/ : ____ `Øø'Ø,Ø'| \/ | luk!___| | : \/ | ' `Ø' | |___pht! :::: `---|____|-------'-------'----':::: :::: :::: ::::.................................:::: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................36 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.............................link124.diz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ___ ... ..... ... _ __/\__| |__.::::_:::_:::_:::_:::__/\__ _ | |__ ::: .::: :::.::: luk!___| | |_:::__.:::'______:::___pht! `------' ::: ::::::: ::: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................37 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...............................blackfire | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to....blackfire.scum+sound killers | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _______ ___ _______ _ _ _ __________\\_//__________ _ _ _ __ _____\\/// \\\//_____ __ ._\\/ _â_ \//_. | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_·____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ .\ ____/.\ ____/.~ F l ¬.\ ____/.\ _/ _/.\ _ /.\___ /.\____ /.\___ /. | \___ | _\ | j k | \/ | __ \ | \ \/ | \ / | _\/ | \/_/ | `----\/-`-------'__ ! t _`-------'---\--\`-------`---\/--`--/____|-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ ___ blackfire.scum+sound killers ___ _| luk!// /_______________________ _ _______________________\ \\pht! ¯ ______//_\\______ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................38 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................scum | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..................blackfire.scum | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ ____ ____ _ __ __\ /__ __ _._\// \\/_._ | | ____/\_·____/\_ ___ /\_·____/\_ _ __ .\ ___/.\ ____/.\ | /.\_ /. __ _ /_| \____ | \/ | | | /___/ |_\ `----\/-`-------`-------`---|---' | .scum. | |_ _| luk!/__(\__ __/)__\pht! __ ___/ \___ __ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................39 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................budgie | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _______ __ _______ _ __ _ _____\ \/ /_____ _ __ _._\(_\ /_)/_._ | | | jL | | F# | | Æ ] | ____/\_·___ /\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ j η____/\_ __+._\ ____/_\ | /_\____ /_\ ____/_,F t_\___ /_.+__ \__ \___ | ___/ \____ £_ ] \/_/ __/ `----\/-----------\/---------\/--¬°@mw_Î-------' | ¬" |_ _ .budgie. _ _| luk!/__(/____________________\)__\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................40 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................budgie | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ __ ____________\\//____________ __ _ ._\\\// \\///_. | jL | | .budgie. F# | __ ____/\_ Æ ] ____/\_ __ \/_.\ ____/.___ /\_ ____/\_ j Î.\___ /._\/ __| \___ .\ | /.____/\_.\ ____/.,F t| \/_/ |__ `----\/-| | .\____ /. \____|£_ ]`-------' | `-------| ___/ |----\/-'¬°@mw_Î | | `-\/----' ¬" | |_ _| luk!///\\______________ ______________//\\\pht! ¯ ¯¯ _ ___//\\___ _ ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................41 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................absurd | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ ______ ______ _ _ __ _ ______\ /______ _ __ _ _._\\\(/ \)///_._ | | _ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _ __\_\____ /_\ ____/_\ ___/_\ | /_\____ /_\____ /_/__ _)/__ ___ \___ \____ | _\/ _ ___/ __\(_ `-\/---------\/------\/------------/____|-\/----' | | |_ __ __ .absurd. __ __ _| luk!/_\(_)/_________________\(_)/_\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................42 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................venal | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124 | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ __________ _ _ _____\ /_____ _ _ _._\\/ _â_ ///_._ | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ___ /\_·____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ·____/\_ +._\ / /_\___ /_\ __ /__æ~ F l ¬\__\ ____/_.+ )__ / / \/_/ | j° j k ×L _\ __( `-------------------|---"*m__ ! t _æ*°-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ .venal. _| luk!/_____________________________\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................43 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................entrix | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ................................ : : : ,ø !m_ : _æ"¬L f °w_ ______ :__ _____ __ _____/\_­¯ !j ¬9p _ __/\__| ___/| \---| /_| V (_ _)mw__¬É_,w*°"__/\__ _ | _)_| \ | ___/| ___/| \/ |__jz@0zâ__ luk!___| ' | \ | | | | |°¯ jt ¯°­gµ___pht! `------'---\___|------'---' `----'w_ !¬, _e°¯ | °wjL [_*¯ | ...entrix... °: ¬ |______________________________: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................44 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name............................high voltage | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ .__________________________________________ __ _ | | _____ _/\_ _____ _____ | __/\__| /_(_ _) ___/_| /_ __/\__ | \ | __ | \/ | \___ | __ | / | \____| \/ | | _/ | \/ |____/ . | `--/ |----'------'--/ | _æ b_ / ___| / ___| | · _,øPã F°m,_ | ëP" ] F ¬°g,____ ___ _____ _____ _____ ______ | _ __/\_°#_ L___jL _¤' | | | /_ _\___ | ___/_/ ___/__/\__ _ °m t Æ øF| ____ | |__| ___/| ____ | \___ | _)_ luk!___*_¬L_jF¸Æ__| \/ | | | | \/ | _/ | ' |___pht! °Îþ ÆæF `------'------'------'------'------'------' ¬¶µP | " | _ __ __________________________________________| __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................45 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................hv.diz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _æ b_ _____ ,øPã F°m,_ _/\__| /_" ]_____F ¬°g,__/\_ | __ | L jL _¤' luk!__| \/ |m t___Æ øF_____pht! `--/ |`*_¬L jF¸Æ' / ___| °Îþ ÆæF ¬¶µP " __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................46 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................opium | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ___ ___ _\ /_ _______ _\ /_ _._\\// \\//_._ | jL | | F# | | Æ ] | ____ ____/\_·____/\_ j Î ___ /\_·____/\_ ____ \ _/_\_____/_\____ /,F t_\ | /_\_ /_\_ / \___ \/ \/__£_ ] | /___/ ___/ `-------------' ¬°@mw_Î-----------|---' | ¬" | |_ .opium. _| luk!/___________________\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................47 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................farmer | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...................farmer.sadist | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _____________ _ _ _______\ /_______ _ _ ._\\/ _â_ \//_. | jÃNNL farmer.sadist | | _¤~j άh_ | __ ____/\_· jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ __ _/.\ _ /._æ~ F l ¬\_.\____ /.\_ /.\___ /.\____ /.\_ \_| \ \/ |° j k ×| _\/ | /___/ | \/_/ | _\/ |_/ `-------'*m__ ! t _æ*`--/____|---|---'-------'--/____| | ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ ______ ______ _| luk!//____ /_______________________\ ____\\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................48 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................sadist | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...................farmer.sadist | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _____________________________ _ _ ._\\\ _â_ ///_. | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ___ ____/\_· jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ ___ \_ \.\ ___/._æ~ F l ¬\_.\____ /.\___ /.\ ___/.\__ /./ _/ )_| \____ |° j k ×| ___/ | \ / | \____ | )_/ |_( `----\/-'*m__ ! t _æ*`-\/----`---\/--`----\/-`-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | |_ .sadist. _| luk!//__/\___________________________/\__\\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................49 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................idaho | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_ _/\_.\___ /.\____ /.æ~ F l ¬\.\_ | _/.\_____/._/\_ __| \ / | ___/ | j k | _ | \/ |__ `---\/--'-\/----'m__ ! t _æ`---'---'-------' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | luk!|_ bullz _|pht! //\_ ______________________________ /\\ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................50 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................idaho | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ __ ,¤0p _/\_ \\/ | _____ _____ _j0__åb_ .___(_ _)__\__ |_\___ | /_| ÆF 0L|___. | | \/ | ___/ | ____ | __ | 0 ãÎ| | luk!__| | \/ | \/ | \/ | 0L ÆF|__pht `----'------'------'--/ |-ÆÎ--_0-' / ___| ¶ÎjØ´ ¬° __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................51 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | bullz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ _________________ _ _ _ ._\\/// \\\//_. | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ | | _.\____ /.\___ /.\____ /._ | | __| _\/ | \/_/ | ___/ |__ | | `--/____|-------'-\/----' | | | _ ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _ \//_.\ ____/.\ | /.\ ____/.\ ____/.\____ /._\\/ __| \___ | | | _\ | _\ | ____ |__ `----\/-'-------'-------'-------'----\/-' | .red bullz. | |_ _| luk!//\\\_ ___________________ _///\\pht! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................52 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | bullz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ .................................. _______. ._______ ::· ·:: | _____________ | :· ·: |__|:· ·:|__| : : ¦· ,_ ·¦ ___ _ _______ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ | °0øæ,._ | __|j00µø0PV ___/__)__ |__| __(__ ___| | | | | | °ØØ°" |__ | |J0F""¯ | _)_| ___/ | | \___ | | | |___| |___| ,øØ° __| | |__|¬0Î | ' | \/ |__| \/ | | | | | | |,øØØØøøµµøØ°¯|__| `-#F----'------'------' `------'-------'-------'-------|°¯ ¯°Ø° | luk!: :pht! __¦ ¦__ : bullz... : | |_____________| | :................................: |_______. ._______| __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................53 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................rb.diz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ____/\_ ____/\_ .\____ /.\ ____/. _ _ ___| _\/ | \___ |___ _ _ ._\\/ `--/____|----\/-' \//_. | | | red bullz back with | | | | t t t | | e e e | | x x x | |_ t t t _| //\_ ___ ___ _/\\ ¯ luk!//\_ ___________ _/\\pht! ¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................54 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | duck | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ___ _____\ /_____ _._\ /_._ | | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ ______\____ /_\___ /_\ __ /_\ _/ _/______ \___ _ \/___ \ / | __ \ _ ___/ )_/`-----' `---\/------|-------\--\'\_( ____/\_|___ /\_ ____/\_|____/\_ ______\____ /_\ | /_\ ____/_\ _/ _/______ \___ _ ___/ | \/ __ \ _ ___/ )_/`-\/------------------------\--\'\_( | | |_ _| luk!/______ ______\pht! /_\ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................55 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................scoor | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _____________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | | _ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _ \//_.\ ___/.\ ____/.\_____/.\_____/.\____ /._\\/ _| \____ | \/ | \/ | \/ | _\/ |_ /\\ `----\/-`-------`-------`-------`--/____| //\ ¯ |_ .scoor. _| ¯ luk!//\_ _______________________ _/\\pht! ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................56 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................scoor | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ ............................... : : : : : ,¤0p ,¤0p : __:__ ____ j0 åb_j0 åb_ _: ____ .___ | ___/_ /___/__ _ÆF___0LÆF___0L| V /_. | .|_____ V \/ | 0 ãÎ0 ãÎ| ___/ | luk!__| \/ | | 0L ÆF0L ÆF| |___pht `-------'-------'-ÆÎ--_0-ÆÎ--_0-'---' : ¶ÎjØ´ ¶ÎjØ´ : : s c o o r ¬° ¬° : :.............................: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................57 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................s.p.y. | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _\\/ \//_ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | ____/\_ ____/\_ __ /\_ | |__.\ ___/.\____ /.\ \/ /.__| |__| \____ | \/__| \ _/ |__| | `----\/-'-----' `-/-----' | | | |_ .s.p.y. _| //\_ _ _ _/\\ ¯luk!//\_ _________ _/\\pht!¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................58 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................s.p.y. | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated bullz | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ .................. ::· · · ·:: __:__ __________ : _____ | ___/_ /___ _ \: ___ _____ \ .|_____ V \/ _/ \ \/ /. / luk!___| \/ | \_ _/ |___pht `-------·----------)___|--' : s.p.y : :................: __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................59 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name..................................kessel | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to................ksl.sweet poison | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ __ _ _____ _ __ _ _ ._\\//___\// \\/___\\//_. | | ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _ __.\ _/ _/.\___ /.\ ___/.\ ___/.\___ /.\ ____/.__ _ \\\_| __ \ | \/_/ | \____ | \____ | \/_/ | _\ |_/// `---\--\'-------`----\/-`----\/-`-------`-------' | | |_ _____ .kessel. _____ _| luk!//\\ /\\_ _______ _//\ //\\pht! ¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................60 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.....................................ksl | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to................ksl.sweet poison | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _______________ _._\ /_._ | | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _ ___\ _/ _/_\ ___/_\ ____/___ _ ___ _ __ \ \____ _\ _ ___ )_/`---\--\-----\/---------'\_( | | |_ .ksl.sp!. _| luk!/_______________\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................61 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name....................................klod | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ______________ _ _ ._\\/// \\\//_. | | _ _ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _ _ \//_.\ _/ _/.\ ____/.\_____/.\____ /._\\/ __| __ \ | _\ | \/ | ___/ |__ `---\--\`-------`-------`-\/----' | | |_ klod.nah kolor _| luk!//\\\________________///\\pht! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................62 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...............................nah kolor | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ ___________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _â_ | | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ _.\ __ /. _æ~ F l ¬\_ .\_ | _/._ _| | | j° j k ×L | _ |_ `---|---' "*m__ ! t _æ*° `---'---' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ _.\ _/ _/.\_____/.\ ____/.\_____/.\____ /._ _| __ \ | \/ | _\ | \/ | _\/ |_ `---\--\`-------`-------`-------`--/____| | | |_ .nah kolor. _| luk!//\_ _____________________ _/\\pht! ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................63 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................nah.diz | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ ___\\/// \\\//___ _ ._\\/ _â_ \//_. | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | | ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ | |_.\ __ /._æ~ F l ¬\_.\_ | _/._| |_| | |° j k ×| _ |_| | `---|---'*m__ ! t _æ*`---'---' | | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | | nah kolor present | | | | t t t | | x x x | |_ t t t _| //\___ ___/\\ ¯ //\\\_ ___________ _///\\ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................64 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.....................................krs | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to.................krs.independent | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _ _ _________________ _ _ ._\\/ \//_. _ | ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ | _ \\/\_.\ _/ _/.\____ /.\ ___/._/\// .__| __ \ | _\/ | \____ |__. | `---\--\'--/____|----\/-' | | | | .krs.independent. | |_ _| luk!//\_ ___________________ _/\\pht! ¯ ¯ __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................65 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name.................................lisaros | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to............lisaros.high voltage | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ __ _ _ _________________________________ _ _ __ ._)//// _â_ \\\\(_. | jÃNNL | | _¤~j άh_ | _._ ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ jF ! ! °, ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _._ )_ .\ ____/.\___ /.\ ___/. _æ~ F l ¬\_ .\____ /.\_____/.\ ___/. _( /_| _\ | \ / | \____ |j° j k ×L| _\/ | \/ | \____ |_\ `-------`---\/--`----\/-'"*m__ ! t _æ*°`--/____|-------`----\/-' | ¯°*F J*P¯ | | | |_ .lisaros.high voltage. _| luk!/___(\_____________________________________/)___\pht! __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................66 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...................................mario | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...............mario.independent | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _____. ._____ | ________ | |__|:· ·:|__| ¦· ,¤0p ·¦ .__ ___ ______ ,_/\_|_j0__åb | .___| \\/__ |_\___ |J00µø0P_ _) ÆF 0L|___. | | \/ | ____ |i0F""¯| \/ | 0 ãÎ| | luk!__| | | \/ |¬0Î | | 0L ÆF|___??? `---|____|-------'-#F---'----|-ÆÎ--_0-| __¦ ¶ÎjØ´ ¦__ | |___°°___| | |_____.¯¯._____| __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! \)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................67 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | name...............................czytaj to | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...............mario.independent | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ _______. ._______ | _____________ | |__|:· ·:|__| ¦· ,_ ·¦ _____ | °0øæ,._ |____ _____ _____ ______ _/\_ .___| ___/_| °ØØ°" |\ \ ___V /_ \___ (_ _)___. | | \/ | ,øØ° __| \ \/ /| ___/_ ____ | \/ | | luk!__| |,øØØØøøµµøØ°¯| \ _/ | | \/ |_ |___??? `------|°¯ ¯°Ø° |---)___|--'------'------'/___| __¦ ¦__ | |_____________| | ,¤0p |_______. ._______| ____ _ j0__åb _ .___./ /_ ÆF 0L |___. c z y t a j t o ! | | ___/_ 0 ãÎ | | |___| | 0L ÆF |___| `------'-ÆÎ--_0--' ¶ÎjØ´ ¬° __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! 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\)\\/. | Æ ] | | | _ ____/\_ j Î ____/\_| logos numba...............................69 | (.\ _/ _/.,F t .\ _ /. | _| __ \ |£_ ] | \ \/ | | `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------' | | ¬" | | dedicated to...............mario.independent | | .keith flint. | | | |__ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ __________________ _ _ _________________ __| __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__ .________________________________________. | | | _____. ._____ | | _________ | | ,¤0p __|:· ·:|__| _____ | ___ ______________ j0__åb _¦· __ _ ·|_____ .____| ___/_ ___| V ___ ) ___ )ÆF 0L | JØصøØP | /_ ___. | .|_____ V | | \/ _/| \/_/ 0 ãÎ | jØF""¯ | ___/_ | luk!__| \/ | | | | | 0L ÆF | °ØÎ | |___??? `-------`-------'-----'-`----'--ÆÎ--_0--| ØF |------' | ¶ÎjØ´__¦ ¦__ s u p p o r t _____. .___¬° | |_________| | | | _________ ||_____. ._____| | ,¤0p|__|:· ·:|__| | _____ |______j0__åb _¦· __ _ ·|_ µ _ _____| .____| ___/_ /___ )ÆF 0L | JØصøØP | øØØ00Ï°|| ___/_ ___. | .|_____ V \/ _/ 0 ãÎ | jØF""¯ | ,ØF ||_____ V | |___| \/ | | 0L ÆF | °ØÎ | ø0, | \/ |___| `-------`-----'--ÆÎ--_0--| ØF |--Æ0µgr-'-------' | ¶ÎjØ´__¦ ¦__ ¬°" | | ¬° | |_________| | | | | _________ | s p o r t s - | |__|:· ·:|__| | | ______ _____¦· __ _ ·¦_____ | .___ /___ )_\___ | JØصøØP | /_ ___. | | V \/ _/ ____ | jØF""¯ | ___/_ | | |___| | \/ | °ØÎ | |___| | `-----'--------| ØF |------' | | __¦ ¦__ | | | |_________| | | p a r t o f | _________ | | | |__|:· ·:|__| | | ¦· ,¤0p ·¦ | | _____ |_j0__åb _|__ ____ _____| | .___| ___/_| ÆF 0L | \\/__ |_\___ |___. | | | \/ | 0 ãÎ | \/ | ____ | | | |___| | 0L ÆF | | | \/ |___| | `------|-ÆÎ--_0 -|---|____|------' | __¦ ¶ÎjØ´ ¦__ | | | |___¬°____| | | | |_____.¯¯ ._____| c o m a | _|_ |___________________________________luk!\ /??? __ _ ___jL__ _ __ __ _ _____________________________________ _ __ ._\//(/ F# \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht! 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